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Who are the commissioners?

Commissioners are citizens who decided to make a difference in their community. The men and women who make up the Kansas African American Affairs Commission meet quarterly to develop policy recommendations that strive to create opportunities for the African American citizens of Kansas.

How are commissioners chosen?

Commissioners are appointed by the Governor, President of the Senate, Senate Minority Leader, the Speaker of the House, and the House Minority Leader.

Voice Your Opinion...

KAAAC would like to hear your comments, questions and concerns to keep the commissioners informed of the needs and accomplishments of the African American community.  KAAAC does not, however, address individual discrimination complaints.  

Join the KAAAC list serve by adding your email information using the KAAAC newsletter mailing list.

KAAAC Commissioners

StaceyKnoell Headshot
Stacey Knoell
Executive Director
Contact Me

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Jonathan McRoy
Vice Chair
4th District 
Contact Me

New Commissioner
Talia Penn
4th District
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